Seeing Illness in a Different Light:
Art as a Medium for Healing

In this video, the author shares her unique art concept that helps articulate the subjective world of feeling that is often hard to express through words. Through her art, she invites viewers to see beyond the physical symptoms of illness and explore the deeper dimensions of the illness experience. The video presents a thought-provoking and inspiring journey towards discovering the healing power of art and empathy.

Finding Me Beyond Illness is a thought-provoking and unique artistic communication of a powerful personal journey. The vividly coloured lines depict myriad emotional energies, unpacking the stark impact of the artist's duel with vasculitis through intense pain, immobilisation, social isolation, vulnerability and despair.

As the story progresses, the artist uses an expanded, vibrant palette to portray the regaining of a self-identity robbed by an intrusive disease. She masterfully harnesses the empowerment of artistic creation to communicate and define a disease rather than be controlled by it. The accompanying narrative is equally gripping and inspiring, showcasing to perfection, the artist and author in Dr Shanali Perera.

Prof Niroshini Nirmalan
Chair in Biomolecular Sciences School of Science, Engineering and Environment, University of Salford, Manchester, UK

Art and science mix with good medical care. But communication between healthcare professionals remains a challenge. This book is a totally unique view about images and communication - from someone who sits across the continuum and who is also an artist.

It is trite to say a picture tells a thousand words but Shanali Perera explores this deeply in this personal account of living with a long-term condition.

Prof Peter Rutherford
Professor Renal Medicine and Vice President, Medical Affairs, Baxter Healthcare, Switzerland

I enjoyed reading this compassionate and well-presented book. Her first-hand knowledge of her illness and her medical background clearly helped her. It was a unique experience to try and get into her mind and understand her emotions through her beautiful vibrant drawings. The reader is given the freedom to interpret freely without being directed.

Her struggle to maintain her identity and not be overcome and depressed by her illness by using her artistic talents came through very strongly and left a lasting impression. I recommend this book to laypersons and professionals dealing with people whose lives have been affected by chronic illnesses.

Dr Mahendra Gonsalkorale
Retired Elderly care Consultant and Clinical Director Care of the Elderly, UK
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